Save Our Ocean
Change the way we treat our ocean and restore it's health

Ocean Pollution

Pollution continues to destroy our ocean ecosystems such as coral reefs and continues to harm the ocean life. Without coral reefs we are missing a large percentage of oxygen therefore creating polluted air. If we do not begin making changes we may not have a sustainable ocean or breathable air within 100 years, which isn't a lot of time.

Image taken from Green


How Can You Help?

In order to restore our oceans we must diminish pollution and replant our coral reefs. The two links below can further inform you as to why this is so important.

Replant Coral reefs: Coral Guardian . Clean The ocean: Ocean Conservancy

Image taken from New Atlas

More About it

Coral reefs are mainly dying due to fossil fuel pollution such as oil spills, and global warming which causes coral bleaching that occurs when the water is to warm. Both of these poison the coral reef causing them to deminish more and more over time. This will cause lots of ocean life to lose their homes which disrupts the natural ecosystem.

Image taken from
